IKAI is a gastronomical chord between you and small-town India, tucked away in nooks and crannies. After a while, it becomes more of an emotion, less of a brand. Food that has a touch of grandmotherly love – pure and protective. What it brings forth is tradition, love and wellness through sustainable means. IKAI Organic, as a community, befriends the planet and aspires to do so, through unadulterated, uncontaminated good quality organic food.

Their ethos is to produce locally by supporting and working with the people of the land, from locals who are tribals and natives, and thus uplifting them while enriching your eating lifestyle and habits.

To New Beginnings…

IKAI”, is a word that is like the wind; light, breezy and refreshing. But has more weight in its meaning than one may imagine. IKAI refers to a beginning, specifically the start of the counting system in Hindi; and is often taken as the beginning of everything, including the universe. In fact, Ikai is the first cell that generates life. That’s you, me and the microorganisms around us. It is what makes Ikai, a part of the whole. 

Ikai Organic started with four friends who decided to take the road less taken. They wanted more, just like you, and ventured off into the lofty Khasi hills of Meghalaya to start farming. Over time, they built a community which is one with nature and the locals. Indigenous farming techniques along with their own experiences is how this organic farming effort started off. This was something unique, something novel, something bold but what it was most was “something new”’. It was the first step by a brand to bring the goodness of far-flung places to your plates. The start of something that will unite India at a culinary level. Cherry-picked products, grown, and curated with an endeavour to make farm-to-plate, a household concept. 

IKAI Organic brings to you the love of mother nature in three broad categories: Staple, Ethnic & Rare. 

115+ Organic Products

29 States

500+ Friendly Farmers