A label with the Organic Seal helps you to identify whether the product is organic or not. An organic seal assures consumers of the quality and integrity of organic products. Organic-certified operations must have an organic system plan and records that verify compliance with that plan.

Organic food doesn’t always cost more. Some items may cost the same or even lesser than their conventional counterparts. As the demand for organic products increases, the cost will reduce gradually. 

Organic farmers do not receive any subsidies like conventional farmers get on fertilizers. 

The price of conventional food products does not reflect the cost of environmental clean-ups that the organic growers pay through their taxes.

 Organic farming is more labour and management intensive. Organic farms are usually smaller than conventional farms and thus, do not benefit from the economies of scale that larger growers get.

Epidemiological evidence has confirmed that diets rich in fruits and vegetables are associated with reduced frequency and severity of several health problems. A nutrient decline study conducted by the US Department of Agriculture on 43 garden crops found that there has been a statistically significant decline in nutritional levels between 1950 and 1993 with regards to Protein, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus, Riboflavin and Ascorbic Acid. It declined from 6% in protein to 38% in riboflavin, which could be due to modern farming methods involving high-yielding hybrid varieties, poor soil fertility, depletion of soil micronutrients, and loss of soil microorganisms.

The nutritional quality of organic foods is much better because of the emphasis on creating a natural ecosystem, maintaining soil fertility, non-use of fertilizers and pesticides and using the appropriate varieties.

The specific ingredients in fruits and vegetables that account for their many health-promoting benefits point to secondary plant metabolites, many of which are antioxidants, along with levels and mixtures of fibre, vitamins and minerals.

Organic food tastes better as it is grown in well-balanced soil. So, healthy plants have a great taste. Try organic food and see the difference.

High nitrogen application to plant food can increase crude protein concentration. But at the same time, it can decrease the nutritional value of that protein. Conventional fertilizing practices may generate higher content of crude protein but poorer quality protein than organic practices.

There is considerable evidence from controlled experiments that some organic fertilizers result in lower nitrate concentrations in plants compared to conventional fertilization.

The ultimate test of the nutritional value of food is its ability to support health, growth, and reproduction over successive generations of animals or humans. Evidence for increased disease resistance, productivity, or fertility of animals feeding on organically grown fodder is largely anecdotal.