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Most people think that organic farming is a new fad, however, countless generations have thrived on conventionally grown spices. We usually buy organically grown rice, wheat, pulses, sugar, etc, but tend to forget about the spices. We probably don’t think about them as we use them in moderation. This is also the point where you need to factor in the alarming rate of deterioration of the soil, as well as the massive use of chemicals to boost and speed up the cultivation process.

Why replace conventional spices?

  • Soil’s Health: 

In non-organic farming techniques, the main concern is timely yield, and all kinds of chemical fertilizers and pesticides are used to meet that end. Little to no thought is given to the quality of the soil. In the case of organic farming, such scenarios can easily be avoided, as a detailed study regarding all aspects of the cultivation process is done right at the beginning. 

  • Harmful Additives:

It is a common practice to use anti-clumping agents in powdered spices, to avoid the formation of lumps when they are packaged. What many don’t know is that, once again, harmful chemicals like sodium aluminosilicate, sodium ferrocyanide, calcium silicate, and silicon dioxide are used for this process. Even more troubling is the fact that manufacturers do not need to mention the anti-clumping agents in the ingredients list. Organic spices, on the other hand, forego such anti-caking agents to maintain the integrity of the product.

  •  Use of Pesticide:

One of the main reasons to switch to organic spices is the fact that it does not use any synthetic chemicals and pesticides for the cultivation process at all, and instead substitute it with organic manure and biofertilizers. This ensures that you are consuming the wholesome goodness of the spices, and not a pesticide-laden by-product, as in the case of non-organic spices.

  • Unwanted Fillers:

To meet the demands in the market, producers generally add unwanted fillers to the spices to enhance the flavors. One of the most common fillers is glutamic acid, an α-amino acid that is considered a ‘silent killer’ by health experts. 

If you are looking to curb the chemicals from your kitchen shelf, switch to Ikai Organic for the assurance of high-quality, natural, certified, organic spices.


IKAI Organic

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